the swim was quite pleasant, as it was in a lake, and not the COLD & SALTY bay. the water was cold but definitely not as cold as aquatic park and we didn't have the waves fighting us. my swim went quite well, i finished in 54mins, and i beat my projected time by 4 mins =)!!! i would've been faster if i could swim straight and swam more by the shore, but that's something i can work on.
we all know that biking is my weakest point, so when everyone was warning me that this was one of the hardest bike courses for triathlons, i was not looking forward to it AT ALL! as i said this was a 56 mile course, so this weekend was the furthest that i rode my bike ever! not to mention all the hills and the biggest one of all called "NASTY GRADE." trust me it was VERY NASTY! i had to take a rest a little before getting to the top (and i was soooo exhausted that i couldn't clip out in time and fell over), but i finished it....and i didn't walk my bike up like some people. i was determined to get this done. although the ironman bike course is double the distance, it is not as hard as this course, so if i can conquer this, i'm sure to conquer the ironman course.
here is a picture of just the bike course and an elevation map so you can see what i'm talking about when i say it one of the hardest triathlon courses and you can see the elevation of "NASTY GRADE"
i also got to meet one of the cutest honorees. his name is TYLER. he's only 5 years old and he has the courage to fight with cancer. this is why i fundraise.