I have to start off by saying, I know in my last race report I said that I would never not train for another marathon. But, I didn't realize that Nike was only 2 weeks away. So technically, the Giant Race was my training for Nike. hee hee!! And, I got in two 5 milers between the two races. So, this time I will say, I will TRY to get more training in before my races.
On with the race report:
The Running Divas (my group of girls that always register together) were lucky enough to get a free room in Union Square. Thank you Jess! It's always nice to have 1 less thing to stress off. We didn't have to wake up so early, and we didn't have to fight traffic to get to the starting line. We simply woke up got ready and went downstairs.
Saturday night consisted of us lining up our racing gear and getting ready for the next day.
Sunday morning we ventured downstairs and walked over to the starting line. We were there right before they sounded the horn to go. Luckily, we got our stretching done in the room. Another convenience of staying downtown.
The early morning air was warm. And, considering it's usually crisp and has a bite to it, it was a pleasant change. I didn't even run with a jacket like I usually do.
So on with the race, the sun had already come up by the time I hit the Embarcadero. I was actually a little worried that it would get too hot. I don't really like running in the beaming sun. But, you just have to deal. Anyway, I was keeping a close eye on the clocks set on the side of the course to see how my pace was. And not surprisingly so, I was running at just under 12 minute miles. One thing I know is that I have a really consistent pace.
The little but steep hill just after Aquatic Park made me realize that I REALLY need to do a YouTube video on runner's etiquette. (Look out for it. I'm planning on doing it soon) I found myself thinking "Walkers to the right," but I realized I actually said it out loud, when another runner yelled, "YEAH!" Well it looks like I wasn't the only one thinking it! lol
Running through the Presido, I knew the big hill at mile 6 was coming. So, as always I think to myself, don't try to kill it just keep your pace up, head down and keep moving forward. To my surprise, I was actually moving up the hill quite easily. I took the two smaller hills before a little quicker than normal and I was taking this one at the same stride. It took me by surprise, but I just kept going.
The Kaiser Permanete mile, at mile 8 was coming up which means ORANGES!!! The oranges are sooooo refreshing at this point. But, it also usually means a sticky face. But, not this year...they were also handing out babywipes. Woo hoo! I must say wiping away the salt from your face at this point was needless to say, also refreshing. So I ate an orange and grabbed a wipe and kept going.
When I was running down the hill at mile 10, I couldn't help but think to myself, "Whoa! ALREADY!" I looked at the clock and I was making good time. If I kept at the pace I was going I could possibly make it in around 2:30.
But, mile 11 got me and I felt my pace slowing down a tad. I kept motivated and kept moving forward. By this time, my mantra was, "2 miles left, 2 miles left." The sign for mile 11 seemed like it took forever to get there.
As we passed the soccer fields and rounded the corner to the polo fields I knew we were at mile 12. "1 more mile, 1 more freaking mile" I tried to make my pace faster and tried to keep it up as we got back to the pavement and I started to see the beach. Last leg, and the finish line is right there.
I stopped my Runmeter app. And I finished at 2:44. My fastest time yet for this course. I couldn't be happier with the how the run felt. No foggy head after and not much soreness the day after. I can't help but think, if I got more running in, I could've at least broke the 2:40 marker. That's what next year is for.
Here are a couple of pictures I took:

Freebies from the expo

Running Divas: Jess, Jess, Arlynn, Me, Deb, Janelle


The time on my RunMeter App.

Another one added to the collection. Here's the necklace for this year, and the shirt

I posted this picture on instagram and Nike gave me a thumbs up!

My finishing picture got 2 thumbs up from Nike

Andddd....a US soccer player liked it!! I ended up with just under 100 likes.

If you noticed there are a couple of silhouettes of girls for the NWM, the girl I'm copying below is my favorite.
My Official Time:
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