Friday, November 14, 2008

training has officailly started

wednesday night was the first night of training for me. we were supposed to do a marker set, where we basically run for a certain time and see how far we go. kezar, however, was closed, so instead we did some circuit training. =) boy, did i need that. we basically had to do an excerise at one station, for instance push-ups, and then run a lap around the perimeter. when we got back we had to visit another station and then run a lap. there were 4 stations total.

i took it slow considering i haven't done an physical activity since i hurt my hip running lake merced. and, i was talking some participants, being the great mentor that i am. =D

i had a great night, and i'm looking forward to training tomorrow...even though i have to get used to waking up at the butt crack of dawn on the weekends.

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