Tuesday, May 26, 2009

big life change

well...i've been wanting to write this blog for a minute now and there have been things getting in the way. mostly, i didn't know exactly what to write. and to be honest i don't really know now. but, i'm letting my mind wander and my fingers do the talking, so please forgive me if you can't really follow my train of thought at the moment.

every now and then you go thorugh some big life changes that change the path that you've been traveling on. you may see it coming, but somehow you still hope that it doesn't. once it's there you have to deal with it. that's pretty much where i am right now.

my life is going down a different path than expected and i'm going through a REALLY tough time. i know i'm usually pretty resilient with anything that changes my life direction, and i'm sure that i'll bounce back with this one soon enough. time heals all wounds and this one is no different. i just think that this one will take some time.

i've finally come to face reality and the changes that have come. i'm still getting used to the adjustments, but have plans to help me get through this and take my next step in life.

first on the agenda, gut out my room and make room for alllll of my things. my cousin put it best, i have to fit half a house in one tiny room. next, pack up and get it all to my parents.

save money, get my car back to tip top shape (as much as possible), get the cards down to ZERO, and make it out to JAPAN by the end of the year.

THANK YOU everyone for your support. i know i am truely loved.

1 comment:

J Lopez said...

hey sister, change is good!

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"

i might not be able to help u w/the physical labor, i have finals next week, but anytime you wanna catch a drink, go on a run, or just chit chat about nothing in particular let me know. i'll need a break from studying. maybe we can even plan a fam bam...we're long overdue.
