Tuesday, August 11, 2009

lots to be happy about

so i've been in a funk lately that comes and goes. and i'm trying to do everything that i know makes me happy so this funk can permanently GO AWAY! if you've been up to date with my blogs you know i've been pretty good about my running routine, going at least 3 times a week to the lake aka lake merced. and that's been going really well! (wait for the run review) i've also been trying to go out and listen to good music b/c music always has the ability to change my mood and when you add that to dancing, woo hoo!

i felt like i was waiting for saturday night all week long. i knew shorkut was gonna be spinning at milk and like i always say...he NEVER fails me. i took my cousin, mae with me. and we both danced the night away. for both of us, our worries melted away for the evening. we got to enjoy each other company and dance out our frustrations. thanks miguel, for providing a venue to do so and putting us on the guestlis that you didn't give to mae. lol it's ok i know her so she just let us in. and THANK YOU SHORTKUT for always feeding my soul the music it thrives to hear.

sunday was our long awaited for fam bam. we ate and talked and laughed all day long. we introduced new cousins into our little circle and simply enjoyed life. what more is there to explain...I LOVE MY FAMILY!

here goes the long awaited running report...dun da da dahhhh!!!

so saturday morning...i woke up bright and early to see mara. =) i came back home for a little nap, got a little something in my system and it was off to the lake. the goal for the day was to push myself even further. run the whole lake with even more intensity than last time and then go a little further. soooo i ran the whole lake (4.5 miles) in 57 mins, WOO HOO NEW RECORD! i've been averaging at about 58 mins. i treated my car as a water stop and refilled my water bottle and i was off again, i ran 7 mins out and 7 mins back to my car, a little over an extra mile. needless to say the run felt great...i accomplished a new record and even did a little over a mile afterwards.

yesterday, mae and i took another trip to the lake. i was feeling a little sluggish and i had a good run on saturday, so i decided that i was just gonna run the lake and i'll add more miles later in the week. we got our stretches out of the way and started our run. i was feeling sluggish and kept having to push myself harder and harder. at the end of the run i looked at my watch and was amazed to see that i finished in 53 minutes! whoa! that's 7 minutes faster than when i first started running the lake again! i felt sooo proud of myself. i just hope i can keep up with that time lol...it might have been the candy i had to taste test earlier. =)

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