My first and only official marathon was the Kaiser Permanente Half in January 2007. My official time was 2hr 51min. I ran the Bridge t oBridge 12k (7.5) last month in 1hr 31min. Sooo, I was hoping to get in about 2hr 45 min. I would be estatic with a time of 2hr 30min, but I knew I had to account for the hills.
I was actually kindda relaxed before this event. Not as frantic as normal, but I forgot my water bottle (rookie move). I got my pre sports massage on Friday, and was running with my friends, so the chit chat must have helped the nerves.
We finally crossed the starting line at about 921am. Arlynn and I were talking and she suggested that we not even think about walking until mile 6. I told her I was shooting for mile 7. She looked at my crazy and asked, "you know that's on a hill, right?!" I shrugged it off and said "It's ok, I'll try."
Running through mile 6 which was already on an incline and you can see the bigger incline coming up on mile 7. This was a mountain! The elevation map goes from practically zero to 295'. But, I pushed my way through, slowly but surely and didn't even think about walking until between mile 8 and 9. Goal #1 ACCOMPLISHED!
I walked for less than a total of 3 min in between mile 8 and 9 and then picked up the pace again. We started a huge decline coming up on the Great Highway, and I thought to myself, downhill is not a resting point, push through and make up some time. I kept looking at my watch and didn't even think that I would break the 3hr point, so I did what I do on my bike during a decline, spin those legs like no other. I was passing people up left and right and wasn't getting winded. =) But, right before mile 12 by the soccer fields, I was starting to hit the wall. My legs were getting tired and heavy and my stomach was starting to cramp. Now the talking to myself really begins. "Come on, Mel! Only 1 more mile. One more mile!" Coming up on the race shoot, my cramping is getting stronger, but I see the finish and look at the time. I beat the 3hr mark! Hell yeah! I do the time in my head and I came in at about 2hr 46min. OVERALL GOAL ACCOMPLISHED!
After the finishline, there were firemen in suits passing out the infamous little blue boxes with our gifts, an official Nike Women's Marathon Tiffany's necklace. Ahhhhh! The feeling you get when you are done!!! It can't really be explained. You are just on a natural high.
Here are my official race results

Running Diva Results:
Deb: 2.03.22
Jess: 2.16.46
Melanie: 2.47.36
Marlene: 2.50.20
Eileen & Arlynn: 2.55.38
And the only Running Diva to do the FULL MARATHON
Janelle: 5.18.32
And...dun da da dah!!! Our Official Nike Women's Marathon Tiffany's Necklace.
Melanie! That's amazing! I know what you mean about the natural high. I can't wait to get back in the game. I want to do Nike one year :) I'm on my 3rd week of a 5k training program, as I've NEVER run before. I'm also taking beginners swimming at our community college. Can you do the math?! I'm sure I'll be contacting you for pointers!
Blessings ~ Tessa
Awww Tessa! So good to hear from you. You'll do great for your 5k, you just got keep your legs moving. And, you are starting to swim, huh? Looks like someone is getting ready to do their first tri. =) I won't be doing any tris until 2011, I just have too much on my plate next year, so I'm hoping to squeeze in at least 3 half marathons. And yes, please contact me anytime for inspiration/advice on all of that.
good job running divas
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