as you all should know by now, my cousin cherylle is getting married to her long time boyfriend, now fiancee ron!! and yes, i am a maid of honor...which means that i will be there for anything and everything she does for the wedding.
gizelle, her sister and other maid of honor, and i planned her first bridal shower. it was a total success. we planned game after game and were a little leery of some b/c we didn't know how her aunts and our grandmas would react. LITTLE DID WE KNOW!!! the aunts and grandmas were the funniest ones.
Pin the Junk on the Hunk (obviously a naughty version of pin the tail on the donkey) definitely brought out the laughs when the aunties grumbled "awww i want a big one" or a grandma yelled "finally a big one!" that laughs went on and on.
this past weekend was bridal shower #2. this time in northridge. ron has a lot of family in northridge that wasn't able to come up for the first, so they decided to throw them another party.
definitely a weekend to remember. i totally needed that mini vacation. we got to their house late thursday night and chatted it up with all the cousins. some stayed up through the morning drinking and having fun.
friday - we ventured to the mall and then ate dinner with ron's family. they have a lot of birthdays around the same time, so we celebrated all of them at a resturant. lucky for me, there was a classic car show going on in the parking lot. i couldn't contain myself. i took one of the cousin's with me to walk around while we waited for our food. i had to remember to keep my mouth closed and the drool contained while we looked at everything.
after dinner it was back to the house to have more fun. i was introduced to 2 new drinking games, flip cup and down the river something something...i don't remember. and then we all went DRUNK SWIMMING! praise the lord for homes with pools. totally a night to remember.
highlights of the evening:
"kharlena put some clothes on!"
me slipping and sliding all the way to the door b/c i wanted to get che in the pool
"expo executive decision"
ron and jour exchanging underwear in the pool and che yelling at ron to put his underwear back on
satuday - i woke up and went for a 4 mile run and then got ready for bridal shower #2. totally had fun playing the games with ron's family. and then boys went "bowling." we don't actually know where they went but they insist that they went bowling. while us ladies, got pretty and enjoyed the night out. we ended up going to some club in hollywood and while the music was whack for the most part, we definitely made the best of our night. we got free drinks from the mc/host. and i made friends with devon, dee and another d name that i forgot. got more free drinks from them and they brought us to vip on stage. so we spent the rest of the night on stage in our booth and dancing on stage with the air conditioning.
turns out that devon was baron davis' bodyguard while he played for the warriors! good friend to make right!!
then it was off for some late night eats at sanamluang. good thai food but they didn't have yellow curry. =(
and it must have been a good night b/c che was DRRRUNK!!! and sleeping in my lap while i was eating.
eugene's tp bridal dress
free drinks...always
kharlene falling on stage
and then the table next to us laugh b/c they seen her trip again outside the restaurant
jeanie catching all the girls lined up in front of the mirror ... lol you had to be there
sunday - we made sunday our lazy day and we spent the day in the sun by the pool bbqing and drinking. we even made homemade carne asada fries. YUMMMMMYYY!
thank you miranda/parungao family for always showing us a good time!!!
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