Wednesday, December 8, 2010

gym must haves

going to the gym used to be a ritual for me. in college when i was determined to lose weight and come home looking like my normal self and not with the extra 30lbs that i gained there, i would usually go twice a day.

when i came back home, i was pretty good about keeping up with the gym. i went almost everyday after work and went on morning runs on sunday. needless to say, i've gotten lazy and have since become consistently inconsistent. i gotta stop doing that.

but while getting back to the gym, i noticed that there have been a couple of things that i would usually have in my bag, but b/c of my inconsistency i haven't refilled it or i've taken it out and not put it back.

here's a list of things that are a gym bag must for me:

1) Makeup Wipes - why why why on earth would you wear make up to the gym? i mean if you are really there to workout, you are gonna sweat and makeup dripping into your eye is NOT going to feel good. makeup wipes are obviously more convenient that carrying both the liquid and the cotton rounds to apply with. I've found that the neutrogena ones work really well, not much scrubbing needed. But, if you need a cheaper version, the target brand up and up works fine. you'll need to scrub a little more but it still does the trick.

2) Baby Wipes - if you don't intend on taking a shower immediately after your workout, wiping the salt off your face after a good workout is quite refreshing.

3) Hair Ties (pungos for our family lmao!) - i have long hair and i don't like my hair in my face or in the way. i always have extra in my purse, car, or even on my wrist. i don't always tie my hair back, so i need to be prepared if i intend on going to the gym. i keep a couple in my gym bag, you never know when a fellow gym goer may need one.

4) Headbands and/or a couple of bobby pins - for girls with baby hair or bangs these are super duper helpful. it's distracting to have hair in your face. not to mention, if you are really working out and are sweating, the beads of sweat drop from your hair in your face sometimes get in your eyes. NOT FUN!

5) Deodorant - being stinky is NOT SEXY! and reapplying before your workout doesn't hurt

6) Extra Socks - i know i don't usually wear socks to work b/c i'm prolly wearing pumps, so having extra socks in there is a must. if you're feet really sweat, having one for after your workout is beneficial too.

7) Tampons - ladies you never know when this is gonna hit, it's good to be prepared.

Now if you're gonna shower at the gym, obviously you'll need your regular toiletries.

1 comment:

Fitness Freak said...

Informative and well researched post, these things are very essential when we head to Gym.