My answer to them was, "I don't have any. I make goals throughout the year."
Now, don't take that answer as a rude or smart-alecky remark. I don't think you need to wait for a brand new year to set your goals. I am one of those types of people that gets an idea to do something and figures out a way to get it done. Now, it may not be a priority or realistic to do at the moment, so it may take a couple of years but it'll get done. For instance, I want to get my credit cards to zero. This is definitely going to take a few years, but I've already put them out of site so that I won't use them and all I'm doing right now is paying them off.
Right now, Operation Melanie is in full effect. That's my way of saying I am officially on a mission to get back down to a size 4. (Yes, I did put that out there.) Now I've been working on this for quite some time and it didn't take a new year to make me get my ass active again. But, I've been really fickle about it. In an earlier post, I called myself consistently inconsistent. So, I was losing weight and gaining a few pounds back and losing it again. And, now I'm at a plateau. I've loaded an app my sister introduced to me called "lose it." It's actually really helpful with keeping your caloric intake and you can input your exercises to keep track of how many calories you lost too! And, I've set a goal for myself to workout at least 3-4 times a week. Here's the plan: Tues - treadmill run & core, Wed - spin, Thur core & total body conditioning, Weekend - run at least 5 miles.
And, each time I run a marathon, my goal is to beat my last time.
Another goal I've been trying to maintain for a couple of years is eating breakfast. Sounds simple and stupid, but I was never a breakfast type of person so this is a challenge for me and I'm a lot better at it now.
Those are just some goals that came to me off the top of my head, of course I have many more, but I'm sure you don't have time for my long list. Your goals can be to travel more often, find a new job, or to try being a vegetarian or whatever it is you desire. And, though you might falter and fall off, it's ok. Just, have enough determination to try again and again, you'll get there eventually.
These are your goals, be it big or small. You do not have to justify what makes you happy. The feeling of accomplishment is yours to revel in, revel you shall.
With that, I leave you with a picture of a shirt that I randomly saw at a store. It wasn't drifit and the colors weren't really appealing so I didn't buy it. But, I loved the message, so I took a picture instead.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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