wednesday, boot camp was canceled. BOOOOO!!! so, i decided to take the spin class. but, i found out the regular spin teacher wasn't coming in and it was a sub. if you didn't notice this about me, i'm very particular about my teachers. for instance, i took one spin class where the teacher looked like she was riding a clown bike, her pedal stroke was hideous (toes pointing down the whole time), and she was bouncing all over the place. i could NOT stand to look at her. or i have a really big pet peeve with people who teach cardio kickboxing and their punches and kicks look like...i have no words to describe it. anyway, my point is, how are you gonna teach me when your technique is horrible. orrrr if i can't get a good workout out of you, then i feel like i've just wasted a whole hour of my life.
so i did a little research and found out that my workout with sub would not be a good one. i decided to get on the treadmill ...dun dun dunnn... instead. yes, everyone knows how much i despise the treadmill, but i was prepared with my interval training workout, so it was just fine. i was happy i was able to get a workout in.
yesterday i was feeling pretty lazy as i got home from work. i was NOT feeling motivated at all to workout. i called my friend to see if she was available for dinner. fail. folded some clothes, while talking to her on the phone. and then it clicked, that voice from inside was yelling at me to get my running clothes on and go for a damn run! and so i did. i put on my last pair of workout pants (the rest are in the laundry i need to buy more...who wants to make a trip out to lululemon with me..), one of my sports bra tank tops, and my 2010 sf marathon shirt and i was ready to go. i grabbed my favorite running jacket, prepared my gatorade, stretched, and then it was off to the lake.
it was bit chilly while i was there and my stride did not feel as light as it did last week, so i had to do a bit more self-motivating as i ran around. i honestly thought i was gonna end up with a time in the low 50's and to my surprise...

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