i once took a class where the teacher told a little anecdote about not helping someone until they asked or had that "certain look" where you knew the person needed it. and the way he told it was pretty funny, but i didn't really think anything of it until today.
today, i flew back home from my weekend vacation. and while walking to the back of the plane, to my seat i noticed that all the storage spaces above my actual seat and onward were already full. so, i decided to stop where i was, instead of having to fight traffic backtracking to store my luggage (it was close enough to my seat anyway), and put my luggage up. at that time, a man walking in the opposite direction (the wrong way, i might add) was trying to get to the seat behind me. he was frustrated that he couldn't get through. where was i supposed to go, i couldn't step aside, it's an airplane, the aisle isn't big enough. and i couldn't step back b/c there was a line of other people with their luggages behind me. i'm pretty sure you guys can picture it happening. so i politely explained that i would get my luggage up, so he could get through. he, frustrated, asked, "did you need help with that?," but in such a rude tone as if implying that i couldn't do it myself. i ignored it and said, "no, that's ok. i got it." he then rudely asked, "are you sure?," again implying that i wouldn't be able to do so. i again, politely said, "nope i got it" as i easily put it up and stepped between some seats to let him through. a man sitting in the seat, underneath my luggage, laughed at the guy and stated, "well that looked easy enough." i smiled at him and laughed, "i may be small but i have muscles." we both laughed and the other men who witnessed the whole thing laughed as well.
dear rude man,
first of all, i don't understand why you were so frustrated when, you were the one walking the wrong way. and, maybe you offered your help b/c you thought that you putting up the luggage would've been faster, so you could get back to your seat faster...but did you have to be soooo rude about it? honestly, me putting up the luggage in 2 seconds with such ease made it feel soooo much better only b/c i made YOU look like the ass you are.
hahahaa!!! i know i'm so random. but i just had to share. so lesson to learn, don't help unless asked or if the person actually has that face of frustration where they actually would want the help. and most importantly, when you offer to help be genuine about it, don't be like the ass on the airplane b/c it may just backfire on you too.