While working and listening to pandora, I came across this ad.

I loved every word in it so I took a snapshot of it! It's motivating and absolutely true. If they made a poster of this, I would put it on my wall so I could wake up to it everyday. As a matter of fact, after my iphone finishes updating, this will be making this my wallpaper. Well, maybe just the words b/c I don't know if I want random athletes that I don't even know about on my phone.
Anyhow, it intrigued me so much that I clicked the link. (Click
here to get to the site.) I watched the video and was excited. Excited to get my workout on. So I kept browsing through the site, I was getting disappointed b/c I thought all they were advertising was the clothes...and then I came across this:

There's an app called Nike Training Club (NTC). Looks pretty cool. I'm downloading it now, and as soon as I try a session, I'll let you guys know. If any of you already have this and used it please let me know what you think.
I'm excited. #OperationMelanie
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