Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the benefits of olive oil

i've been trying home remedies more and more now, including trying to use natural products for my skin and hair. so when i saw a video on a natural makeup remover i decided to try it. it consisted of oilve oil and witch hazel. i'd already been using witch hazel as a natural astringent, and who doesn't have olive oil in their cabinets. so i tried it, and i've been using it ever since.

i fill my little container with about 60% witch hazel and 40% evoo (that's what i had in my cabinet).

anyway, one day one of my friend's asked me if i was using false eyelashes and i said, "no, just mascara." i didn't think anything of it, until i saw my friend who was visiting, and her eyelashes were soooo prominent. she's japanese by the way and i don't EVER remember her with eyelashes like THAT, and i've known the girl for over 10 years. we talked and she told me her secret was olive oil. and then i remembered that day when i was asked if i was using falsies. ahhh! i guess it was working for me too.

well, i've continued to use my little concoction, and more recently, i've noticed how long my lashes are looking and how much better they look with my mascara. i have to add that i've been using the same mascara for about a year and a half now, so it's not the mascara making them look longer.

noticing my lashes for the last two days, made me a bit curious, so to google i went and i found this little article: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/olive-oil-for-hair-growth.html

it basically talks about how olive oil is great for hair growth and moisturizing alone. but, it also provides a couple of different hair masks that consist of olive oil. i think i just might have to start doing some type of olive oil hair treatment too.

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