Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Experimenting with my juicer

I made two different juices tonight. And the parentals are on board! My dad was interested to see how it worked and was excited to put some fruits in. And my mom was anxiously awaiting the second cup of the night.

Here's was I did for the first one. This yielded 2 cups.

2 carrots
1 apple
1 mango
1 blood orange

This is what I did for the second one. I wanted to try putting celery in. I only used 2 stalks of celery but the celery taste was a little too strong. I think using one more apple would have evened the taste out.

This one yielded like 2 1/2 cups.

3 carrots
2 celery
1 pomegranate (I had to deseed it first)
1 apple (should have put 2)
1 orange
1 blood orange (my dad wanted to add this in there)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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