Wednesday, May 23, 2012

05.23.12 afternoon run

My Wednesday night workout is normally pretty routine, but today I forgot to put my gym bag in my car. FAIL!!

So instead I came home put my running clothes on and went for a run around the lake.
Today was really really windy. So an already challenging run got pretty tough. The second half had a headwind almost 100% of the time. And dust was blown into my eyes more than a couple of times.  Definitely not a good feeling. I even got slapped in the face so hard with dirt, that I flinched. Luckily for me, my eyes were closed.

This run could have very well been harder than Bay 2 Breakers last Sunday.
But, I refused to give up and I finished strong. A lot stronger than I thought. I finished in under 50 minutes. But I still have to train a little more to get to my best time of 48:07

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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