A guy friend of mine showed me this inspiring message about fit girls. And, I'd like to think he was speaking to me. lol
But, really, I was never really a "skinny" girl, I always had meat on me. But, I was always pretty fit. That is until I moved to Santa Barbara for college. I didn't move as a Freshman, so I can't say that I gained the "freshman 15," and honestly, I probably gained much more than 15 pounds in that first year. I'm gonna go ahead and call it the "transfer 20" maybe even 30. But, before I moved back home, I got my ass into gear and lost all the weight. I wasn't trying to come back home looking like that. I think it was about this time that Justin Timberlake came out with "Sexy Back," so all me and my girls would talk about "bringing sexy back" and bringing it back to high school and how we looked then. I actually think that when I moved back home I looked better than I did in high school. And we all know I thought I was hot sh*t in high school. Hahahaha!! If you didn't know my back then, my prom dresses were the epitomy of bourgie hood. lol
Anyway, I got to my goal and got to my ideal body figure before I moved home. Life was great. I just graduated from college, moved back home, and I was feeling great about myself...looks and all. And then, I don't know what happened. I guess I just got comfortable. Got into a relationship, where I moved in with the dude. We ate out a lot, and late, and a lot of times on a really late night tip. To this day I just don't know how I let myself get like that. I'm still not my ideal weight/shape as I type, but I'm working on it and it's coming along. I look at old pictures, and at at first I was in digust, and now I'm just in awe. What the hell happened!
I'm still quite embarassed as to how the hell I got like that. But, that friend of mine that showed me the message above, told me to be proud. Be proud of what I accomplished. And so I am. I'm not one to put myself on blast with the selfies. And, I know this is a bit different b/c I'm showing my success with fitness. And, I see people do it all the time, and of course I clap it up for them and congratulate them...I just don't know if I'll ever do the famous sports bra and shorts shot. Maybe when I get closer to my goal it'll happen. For now, those have been saved for those closest to me, that I know won't be secretly hating with their snide remarks.
But, I will show you this.
To the left is a picture of me on October 18, 2009 when I ran my very first Nike Women's Marathon in 02:47:36. To the right, is a picture of me running the Nike Women's Marathon this year, October 20, 2013. I made a PR for this course at 02:37:46.
#OperationMelanie is in full effect. I'm really on a mission this time. No more being consistantly inconsistant. A little while ago I posted on twitter and facebook a little note to my abs - "Dear Abs, I see you peaking out. It's time to come out and play." Funny, I know. But I'm also being completely serious. I've tasted a sliver of accomplishment and I'm ready for more.
Keep it up, you got it!
thanks Jason!
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