kristine, just had surgery and is a not even fully recovered and she still ran as best as she could. so proud of you!!! we actually had a pretty big team, and i'm so glad we all got to enjoy the day together. after the run we refueled with some food and and of course a couple of drinks. i love spending the day in the city. and it's even better with good company.
after that, i went home, enjoyed a hot bath and deep conditioned my hair.
i relaxed a little, and took a little nap. when i woke up, i browsed through the coupons in the sunday paper, and clipped the ones i knew i would use. watching a few episodes of extreme couponing got me inspired. i still can't get any where close to the savings they get, but i also, don't spend 8 hours a day planning my shopping out. and of course, i had to browse the ads.
i threw a load of laundry in and then went off to target with my ad in hand. of course i circled the deals i wanted, and even better if i had a coupon for those products too! what i realized is if you want to get the really good deals, you gotta be there on sunday morning when they open. the lunch meat deal i wanted was all gone, and the 2 for $30 bottles of zyrtec i wanted was all gone too. i was even more bummed b/c i had a coupon for $5 off and another for $4 off. that means i would've gotten 2 bottles of zyrtec for $21, super duper steal. oh well, instead i got a bottle on sale for $19, and i used by $5 off so i got it for $14, good deal but not as good as the one i originally wanted.
got back to the house, put all my target buys away, and moved my laundry to the dryer. i then ended my night with a glass of wine.
i'd say my sunday was eventful and productive...great way to end my weekend.
our shirts! the crowd liked them so much, we sold the extras out of the trunk.

my unofficial time. i can't wait to see what my official time is.

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