Monday, September 5, 2011

sole society

my first pair of shoes from sole society just came in! YEAY!!!

sole society is basically a monthly shoe membership. you fill out a survey and they send you 6 shoe options in what they call your "closet." if you like a shoe in there, you can purchase one. the price is always $49.95, free shipping. if you don't like any of the shoes, you can ask for more selections. they'll replace the shoes currently in your closet with 6 other styles. and if you don't feel like buying shoes that month you can choose the option, "let's skip this month." anddd the reason why i joined sole society and not any of the other "shoe clubs" is b/c there is no limitation as to how many times you can skip.

here's the link on how sole society works:

and what's even more exciting about my first pair of sole society shoes is the deal i got. coincidentally, when i signed up for sole society, groupon had a deal. (thank you sheila for sharing that one with me!) one pair of shoes for only $25. woo hoo!!

love love love these! i can't wait to wear these puppies out. hopefully they are as comfortable as they are sexy.

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