Yesterday, I completed another half marathon. It was the annual San Francisco Giants 5k 10k or Half Marathon. Of course, I opted for the half marathon. And while my run last year for this course was upbeat and pleasant this year was a completely different story.
I haven't been able to get many runs in, and I haven't gotten any long runs in this year except for Bay 2 Breakers, a 12K. And, that was in July. So, let just say I really did not get any training in for this run. AHHHH!!! Why do I do this to myself! Hahaa.
Well I knew I would be able to get through the course, my worries were the pain that I was going to feel during and after the race.
The weather was great again. Even the normal morning chill of the San Francisco air (especially by the water) didn't have it's usual bite. And the sun came out during my last half of the course. It was a great day to be running in the city.
As for me, I knew I wasn't going to break any records, due to my lack of training. But, I was determine to power through, so I didn't make any fast breaks and found a pace I thought was good for me. Unfortunately, at mile 8, I started to cramp in my groin area. Weird, I haven't really ever cramped there while running. But, it was bearable and I powered through. And, then somewhere between mile 10 and 11, I started to notice every single little ache I felt in my body. From my shoulders, to my back, to my feet, to my toes. I even thought for a minute to slow down and walk. I mean I always tell everyone, "No on ever said you can't walk." But, for me walking would only delay my finish and prolong this feeling that I wanted so much to end already. And once you walk, it's so much harder to get back into pace. "Mind over matter," right!!! So, although my pace slowed, I still powered through and finished.
To my surprise, my run that felt soooo good last year was only about 3 mins faster than this year. Oh man, the time I could've got if I got even a handful of runs in!
To check my time last year click here. To ready last year's race report click here.

the group before the race. don't mind my hair. it's the only way to get it out of my way and not bother me when i run.

my medal. and the socks i got for doing the san jose giants run too.

the other sock has the san jose giants symbol.

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