Monday, October 27, 2014

Nike Women's Marathon 2014

The annual Nike Women's Half Marathon just passed this weekend.  And I have run it for the sixth time in a row.  Woo hoo!

This year they took the full marathon out and completely changed the half marathon course.  We still started at the Niketown in Union Square but instead of finishing at Ocean Beach we finished in the Marina by Chrissy Fields.

The course was much more challenging.  It had lots and lots of hills.  Good rolling hills for the cyclists out there.  But mile 10 was definitely the king of all those hills.  It was pretty damn steep and seemed to go on for a really long time.  Arlynn and I drove it on accident a couple of days before, so I kindda knew what to expect.

Because it was a brand new course I was a little nervous.  Having run the course 5 years in a row, I knew how to prep myself for what was coming.  This year, I just had to talk myself through each hill as it came along.  Honestly, once my legs started going it was just like a regular run.

The weather was perfect for me.  It wasn't too cold in the morning, I didn't bring a jacket, but brought a garbage bag just in case.  I didn't even use it.  I ended up tossing it even before we joined our corral.  The sun didn't come out until way after I was finished, so the sky remained grey but the weather was quite comfortable.  A comfortable temperature with a slight breeze every now and then.

I only refilled my bottle at about mile 8.  And, just ran through the course.  And although there were lots and lots of hills and people are probably going to complain about all the hills, I really really liked the course.  Apparently, I like hills.  lol  I think it just breaks up the course for me, keeps it interesting.  My friend from Muay Thai says I that I like doing the difficult stuff.  lol I guess she's right.

My gripes about the race:  This race is sooo popular not only b/c it's Nike, but hellooooo everyone wants that Tiffany necklace.  B/c of this it gets a lot of attention from EVERYONE, which means a lot of newbies that don't know running etiquette.  And that just makes it hard on everyone.  I'm glad that events like this get people motivated to move.  Trust me, I'm the first person to cheer someone on when they want to get fit, for what ever reason.  My main complaint, which is what I complain about every single race -- "WALKERS TO THE RIGHT!"  Yes, I understand that some people like to or need to walk, but please leave room on the left for people to pass.  Omg, I can go on about this forever ... I'll save that for my youtube video.

And another thing that saddened me...but I didn't make too much of a big deal about b/c I know it happens all the name didn't get put on the wall this year.  This is the first year in so long that I actually used my own name, and I didn't get put on the wall.  I was sad, but it's ok.

Oh and the product tent for the finisher's gear.  Holy moly what a mess.  I didn't even dare go in there.  I'm hoping they have the product at the Niketown.  I at least would like to take a look at it.

Well, those are all my jumbled thoughts about the race.  Here are some photos for you to look at:

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Giant Race 2014

San Jose Giants 5 Mile 2014 

Earlier this year I participated in the San Jose Giants 5 mile.  Usually, my family does this race with me, but this year I was all by my lonesome.  As you can see, that wasn't really a factor for me.  It my yearly short race.

It also doesn't hurt that I get an additional goody for doing both this and the San Francisco Giants run.

Last year I came in at 52:04. 

Here are my results from this year:

San Francisco Giants Half Marathon 2014

Last week I participated in the Giants Half Marathon for the 4th time.  And it seems like every year I say I didn't train.  lol  Well nothing changed this year.  I didn't train.  I got the San Jose 5 mile run in, and I got in another 6 mile with my Concrete Runners, but I hadn't really run anything over 2 miles besides those 2 runs.  But, I do have my everyday training that I get in, a light run and weights in the morning and either Muay Thai or  Core40 at night.  Well looks like all of that is working for me. 

I honestly didn't think I was going to PR this year.  I only hoped that I wouldn't come in adding on too much time.  But, to my surprise I did so much better than I thought I ever could. 

The run felt pretty good.  I had to breathe through a couple of cramps, but nothing too out of the ordinary.  And, I realized that I would be retiring the shoes I was wearing after that run.  I stopped to hydrate around mile 6, 8, and I think 10ish.  I normally don't stop that often, but I kept going.

I knew that when I crossed the start line the clock already read after 5 mins.  So when I came in and saw the clock at 2:23 I was shocked.  I came in, in less that 2:20!?  Then I remembered to stop my app so I could get a better read.  Well, my phone somehow was buttdialing while I was running b/c my phone was disabled for about 1 hour.  lol  There goes that idea! lol

Later that night, one of my friends texted me with my results.  Last year, I came in at 2:30:47

Here are my results for this year:

I took off 12 minutes off my time!!  Needless to say I was EXCITED!!!  I could not believe that I did that!

Monday, July 28, 2014

072514 Smoker #2

This Saturday, I did my second smoker.  I was extremely nervous.  More nervous than I've ever been for a fight.  I have been in the gym training and training hard, but I haven't had a full sparring session in soooo long.  So, I was nervous that my reflexes and fighting in general would be more than sub par.  But, Coach Mark insisted and I did it. And I'm glad that I did.

When they say trust your training, in which ever sport it may be, you should really trust your training. 

I know I gave her the first round for sure.  She came in guns blazing, and I was just trying to settle in for the a good portion of the first round.  After that, I was good.  I settled in and got to work.  Rewatching the footage, I know I should've thrown my right kick so much more.  I don't know why I didn't.  I let my arms fly more this time...thankfully.  And I was able to get in a good knee.  Totally proud of myself for that one. 

All in all, I was definitely happy with my performance.  Next time, I'll be sure to get more sparring sessions in. 

Here's the footage, enjoy!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Bay 2 Breakers 2014

i ran the bay 2 breakers again this year.  i didn't run with anyone this year.  this year i ran by myself.  it doesn't really bother me since i always end up running at my own pace anyway.

i was a little scared this year b/c when i looked at my run calendar, i realized that i hadn't hit the pavement since january!  oops.  i knew it wasn't going to be so bad though b/c i've still been actively working out and getting little spurts on the treadmill here and there.  but the majority of my cardio has been coming from muay thai.  so, i knew my it bands were going to be the brunt of my pains.  which turned out wasn't so bad.

the weather was perfect.  not too hot not too cold, there were cool breezes from time to time which i definitely welcomed.  the one bad thing, which happens at almost every race, but more so with bay 2 breakers b/c this definitely brings out the runners without any running etiquette the walkers on the left.  please people WALKERS TO THE RIGHT!  trust me the person running behind you trying to figure out every which way to get around you will appreciate it.

so i crossed the finish line and i shocked myself.  7minutes faster that last year.  i was definitely happy.  and honestly not too sore, maybe i should have gone a little bit harder.  oh well.  next year!

here's my official time from last year. 

here's my official time from this year.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

single? yes, but very happy

i've often been asked why i'm still single.  hmmm kind of a loaded question don't you think?  where shall i begin to even try to answer this.

many of my guy friends preface this question by telling me something along the lines of me being a cool chick with a good head on my shoulders, having a good job blah blah blah.  my usual response…" i don't know, but thank you."

today, someone said something to me that was quite thought provoking...for me at least.  he told me that he didn't think he could keep up with me.  when i asked him to explain, he told me that i had so many events going on in my life.  true.  i do!  i have a huge family and a very active life.

but, my response, was that i fill my life with things that make me happy.  i don't have time to deal with anything that isn't contributing positively to my life.  "ain't nobody got time for that!"  lol but seriously, it's true.  i surround myself with those i love and the things that keep me happy.  b/c honestly, life would be boring otherwise.

my downtime is filled with me working out, family events, supporting my family and friends at their events, etc etc. you get it.  and although, my life is "busy," it's what keeps me happy and makes it all worth it.

now back to the boy aspect of things.  i'm single partly by choice.  am i open to dating?  yes.  but, first of all, rarely do i ever get approached, and when i do it's not normally worth it.  so again i say, if it's not contributing positively to my life, it's not going to be a part of it.

and before you go on and say that i'm just picky, let me just interrupt you with just one word:  reciprocity!  is it so bad to want someone that can meet me half way.  i'm not trying to be the mom of the relationship, and no you don't have to treat me like a princess.  worship me like one, maybe! lol (if you're reading this, and you don't know me, i hope you get my humor.)  but really, i'm not looking for that.

if you can be honest with me, loyal, make me laugh, get my humor b/c i honestly have a problem with sensitive people, and sensitive people will NOT make it in my family...but, that's a-whole-nother subject...hold a conversation…and i guess "keep up," we're good to go.  

so, until i find someone worth adding on to my already busy life…i'm quite happy being single.

and, to those friends out there that feel the NEED to hook up their single friends, like they are just going to get along b/c they are single, please stop.  just b/c someone is single doesn't mean they are miserable and are looking for you to save them from their misery.  stop acting like being single is a disease.  you are not going to cure the world of singles.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Nike NTC Tour LA

This past weekend, I went to one of thee dopest events that I've been to in a long time. I kept telling everyone that it was a Nike event and they automatically assumed it's another marathon or run. It's been lengthy and tedious to try to explain every time. So to my blog I go...

It's been 3 years since I first posted about the NTC app that I came across. Check out my first post here: Make Yourself!

Well I tried it and actually got hooked for awhile.  You can pick the type of workout you want, lean, toned, strong, or even focus on a certain area of your body.  You get awards and badges for doing so many hours and such.  I really liked it, and honestly I'm a sucker for those badges.  lol Hey, whatever motivates you!  When I'm not hitting up Muay Thai and I want to get a workout in, this is my default.

Anyway, Niketown started hosted NTC trainings on Tuesday nights.  I have yet to go on a Tuesday, it's a bit hard for me to get to the city in time, but next week I'm going to try.  I did however go to an NTC event they held on a Saturday, and I loved it.  So, when Nike announced they were doing an NTC Tour in LA, I was all about it!  Gotta thank the fellow Running Divas Arlynn and Jess for staying up on the events.

So, what did we actually do at this event.  WORKOUT!  ALL DAY!  And that's fun to me, you ask?  Why yes it is!!!

The day started off with everyone in the main tent doing a workout session together.  I guess you can kind of describe the workout like a boot camp work out.  And then there were 3 sessions afterward of your choosing.  There was a barre class, yoga, Barry's Bootcamp, flywheel...and we got to learn a couple of 8 counts from Derek Hough (a dancer on Dancing with the Stars). 

Oh and how could I forget that this all took place on the Santa Monica pier!  Annnnd that we all got the rose gold Fuelbands!!

Here are some pictures!