Wednesday, May 6, 2015

operation melanie continues

i have my workout goals, everybody does.  and at first it was just to lose weight…correction fat!  i feel like i've gotten to an "ok" point.  i was at a plateau for sooo long last year, when i finally broke past the 130 lbs barrier, and kept it off.  i was sooooooo happy!  it took forever.  but then the holidays came and i went back to fluctuating between 130 lbs and 133 lbs.

so the new year came and i kept a steady 130 lbs.  there goes that damn barrier again.  and then april came and i had to travel so much, that i wasn't able to keep my normal consistent workout schedule.  i feel so fluffy.  but of course, back to the workout schedule.

buttt this time i'm adding a little something to it.  for awhile now, i've been doing my weight sessions in the morning and my muay thai sessions at night.  and a little while back i added a total body conditioning class on mondays and wednesdays before muay thai.

back to my new goals. weight loss is still a pretty significant goal for me, especially if i want to continue  fighting.  i need to keep my weight under 130 lbs at least, so the girls i fight are gigantic compared to me lol.  but my main goal right now is to basically get ripped! lol but really i want to have a fit body.  i want the cuts in my arms and back and of course every where else.  not manly, but i want them.

my best friend showed me some girl on ig @katyhearnfit, and i fell in love.  lol  no really…i found a body that i would like to model myself after.   and wouldn't you know it, she provides "challenges" where she gives you an 8 week workout plan.  sooooo, i decided to take it on.  i started on monday, and am excited to see where it takes me.  and with being so off for the month of april, i definitely needed that extra kick.  (side note:  my day 1 progress picture is horrible and really made me realize how much i needed the extra kick) 

fast forward to today.  today was a really long workout day for me.  4 sessions in total.  crazy?  yeah i kindda am.  but i'd like to say i'm determined.  this morning started out at my work gym, doing my weight training provided by @katyhearnfit.  then, i did the total body conditioning class and then muay thai.  added to the schedule tonight was jui jitsu.  

i've been wanting to try it for a little while now and we now have an all girl class, so why not try.  i learned the warm up drills and did a couple of training drills.  3 to be exact and then i got thrown to the wolves.  lol  i rolled…today…on my first day! lol  but how else are you gonna learn.  sometimes you just gotta get in there.

i was soooo confused.  i didn't even know where to start.  i didn't know the secret handshake lol.  and i didn't know how to position myself to even begin.  they basically told me to try to stay out of her guard.  so i tried.  she got me in a few times, but i was able to get out a lot.  she ended up getting me in a triangle choke at the end of the second round.  but, they told me i did really well.  and they said i definitely made her work.  i honestly think it was b/c i was just stronger than her.  or so that's what they also said… that i'm strong.  

and earlier while i was learning the warm up drills, coach jay walked in while i was having a hard time with one of them.  he said something along the lines of, "its good to see you not perfect at something."  lol i took it as a compliment.  don't get me wrong, in no way do i think i'm perfect at anything.  but i know i do work my ass off to be the best that i can be.  and if i don't get it right the first time, i will keep trying to make sure i eventually do.

anyhow, today was pretty challenging.  long days and new things in my path.  but, i'm definitely excited to see how everything progresses.  

wish me luck!