Monday, November 24, 2008

Gizelle's Passion Party

I want to say thank you to everyone that came.  I'm sure you all had just as much fun as I did.  For those of your who paid with credit card, your order has already been processed and shipped as of today!  You should be receiving your goodies soon!  If you paid with a check, I have depostied your checks and once they clear, I will put your order through.

I especially wanted to congratulate Gizelle on her successful party.  On top of all the free goodies you all seen her get at the party, she was able to get 25% off one item of her choice and $35 credit to apply to her order.  I also want to congratulate Christine, as she won a prize for being the biggest spender!  (Gizelle has your gift.)

If you want to receive goodies for yourself or want to see what all the excitement is about, please visit my website at or simply email me at

And please feel free to comment on how you thought the party was or any reviews of the products once your receive them.

Friday, November 14, 2008

training has officailly started

wednesday night was the first night of training for me. we were supposed to do a marker set, where we basically run for a certain time and see how far we go. kezar, however, was closed, so instead we did some circuit training. =) boy, did i need that. we basically had to do an excerise at one station, for instance push-ups, and then run a lap around the perimeter. when we got back we had to visit another station and then run a lap. there were 4 stations total.

i took it slow considering i haven't done an physical activity since i hurt my hip running lake merced. and, i was talking some participants, being the great mentor that i am. =D

i had a great night, and i'm looking forward to training tomorrow...even though i have to get used to waking up at the butt crack of dawn on the weekends.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


my day started off quite early.  today was our KICK-OFF for the Team in Training Winter '09 season.  i finally got to meet with all of my mentees and i'm really excited to start the season.  i actually start training tomorrow.  =O  no worries...we are starting off really really slow and since the distance is so much shorter than ironman, i'm not going to be soooo MIA this season.  

after kick-off it was off to vallejo for my very first passion party.  WOO HOO!!! i had fun showing you all my items, and i'm sure you all had just as much fun exploring .  Thank you Jill for hosting, providing us with a venue and the excellent chinese food.  i'm sure you will have a great time will all the goodies you will be receiving.

jess and christina, thank you for bringing your additional guests, it definitely added to the fun.

ladies, please feel free to send me any comments that you may have about the party.  and when you receive your items, i would love to hear any feedback that you may have.  you can comment here or email me at  and if you know of anyone who may want to have a party, please pass along this email address.