Tuesday, October 19, 2010

San Francisco Nike Women's Marathon 2010


Last Sunday, I ran the Nike Women's Marathon again. This was my second time. Although when signing up I had all the dreams and aspirations in the world to beat my time, I knew that wasn't going to happen.

Having my wisdom teeth taken out 2 weeks before definitely did NOT work in my favor. That meant 2 weeks of no training at all...no cardio...NOTHING.

So, with no training and my gums not being 100% healed, I knew this run was going to be tough and I knew that beating my time was just not going to happen. But, I was still excited and wanted to do this run.

And since everyone keeps asking me about the race, here's a miniature race report for you:

My time was slow coming into the 5k (3.5 mile) marker, but that's always expected, being that it's always crowded at the beginning of any race. By about mile 6.5, I was catching up to what my normal time would be, butttt running up the first significant hill, my gums started throbbing. At about mile 7.5 I was making good time, still at about my normal running pace, but my gums were screaming now. I thought of taking some Advil, but decided not to. I should've just taken it. At about 8.5, my legs were starting to talk to me, but I figured I would just push through like I always do, but this was also about the time that my stomach started to get mad at me. At about 9.5, I had to slow it down, my gums, hips, calves, and stomach were screaming at me at the same time now. And then what do you know...it starts raining.

I walked much more than I wanted to. But, I pushed through everything and finished. Not very happy about my time. I'm even embarrassed to post it. I had the worst run ever, but I never gave up and pushed through and finished. And yes, I sure am rocking my Tiffany's necklace with pride.

Oh yeah...I seen a girl running with a shirt that made me chuckle. It said, "I'm a half marathon kind of girl, I don't go all the way." I got a kick out of it, thought you might too.

my finisher shirt and new necklace

instead of medals, we get this!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Susan G Komen 5K

On September 26th, I ran the Susan G Komen 5K. I know I usually do events that are longer, like my triathlons and half marathons, but this one had a bit more significance to me. The Susan G Komen foundation is dedicated to Breast Cancer. And, I ran in memory of my Auntie Jeanette who passed away from breast cancer and my mom who is a survivor.

The weather was beautiful and the trail was a great. The downfall...non-experienced runners. Usually, this doesn't bother me, but I was running all the way on the left of the street with just one other guy to my left hand side on the sidewalk. A girl who wanted to pass, simply shoved her way through on my left hand side and passed a nonchalant "sorry," that really sounded like it meant "oh well." So my advice to you newbies...learn the phrase "ON YOUR LEFT!" The person you want to pass will move over, even if they haven't heard it before.

On a brighter note, even with hardly any training beforehand and an exhausting week of Oracle OpenWorld, I was extremely happy with my time.

Oh and I drug my cousin, Mae along with me again. She beat me by a couple of seconds. My excuse: I got stuck behind a group of people that took up the whole street. There was no way of getting around them. Trust me I tried.

Mae Pulido - Bib # 1106 Chip Time: 34:22 Pace: 11:05/min
Melanie Lopez - Bib# 1106 Chip Time: 34:28 Pace: 11:07/min