Monday, November 30, 2009

gobble gobble

woo hoo! thanksgiving! had a great 4 day weekend. my weekend started off early, as we were let go at 1pm. WOO HOO! that hardly every happens, so me and everyone else in my office were set to go at 1pm. you could hear all the computers turn off at the same time. lol!

i actually started my thanksgiving celebration early. my sister and i went vessel and had a blast. read the blog below for minor details.

wednesday night was cousin night. jessica, janice and i went to watch blindside. such a good movie! if you haven't seen it, go watch it! i'll watch it again if you want a date.

thursday, brunch was at my dad's side in hayward and dinner was at my mom's side in so city. then mae, janice and i went to cream of beat! as heaven...good music and good vibes. i love being totally immersed into a set. i love being taken away by the lyrics, the beat, the rhythm...dancing with i don't care who...on my own little cloud floating above everything. ahhhh...if i could take miguel (mr e) and jon (shortkut) and put them in my pocket. i would take them out whenever things are tough, when i need inspiration, or when i'm just not having it...if only... i would never have a frown on my face.

then friday...jason's celebration. "fun sized" good times. lol inside joke, you totally had to be there.

saturday...i unexpectedly ended up at the warriors v lakers game. even though we lost, i had a really good time! 2 half patron margaritas will do that to you! lol

and sunday! to try to even out everything i ate i ran 8 miles. i was pretty nervous seeing that i haven't been running as much as i used to with it being so damn dark out. but i did so much better than i thought i would. and although i am nervous for the vegas marathon next sunday...the eight mile run did calm my nerves...just a little.


things i'm thankful for ... each and every moment/thought that brings a smile to my face.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

eventful tuesday

my tuesdays are usually uneventful. usually no running, i use this as a rest day or if need be it's my massage day. last tuesday, janice and i ventured over to mercury for their "hella smart" event. (i think that's what it was called) each table is a team and you answer trivia questions. pretty fun! but i like games like that.

this tuesday, i got a little circuit training in with my sister. damn! i haven't done any sort of strength training in FOREVER! it was great. i can't say that i forgot how much i liked circuit training, i always knew i liked it, but i can say you don't know how much you miss something until it reappears in your life. i think this will have to be included in my workout regime. tuesdays and thursdays perhaps...

then it was off to vessel for mike's bday. what a great little get away. but for me good music is always a great mini vacation for my mind. after a stressful day at work, getting my endorphines pumping from the great workout and enjoying a quick little retreat was just what i needed.

simply days filled with smiles are what i'm always thankful for!

Monday, November 16, 2009

not a fluke

i ran the lake again on saturday and looks like running the lap in 50 minutes was NOT a fluke. =) YEAY!!! i started at 2.15.45 and ended at 3.05.21. woo hoo!

so i finished the big loop, and ran the small loop afterward. i thought that the loop was only about 3 more miles but it i think the total was closer to 8 miles. lol it's ok, as my ironman coaches would say, "money in the bank!"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

my dates with the lake

so here i go training again. yes, i'm training for the rock n roll marathon in vegas, dec 6.

i ran with my sister this weekend, and although she likes to think of herself as slow...she's a quick one. i was feeling really sluggish last saturday. prolly b/c i'm always drained around this time every month. for some reason no matter how much i want to work out, it's sooooo freaking hard. my legs are heavy, my lungs are closed, it's a big struggle. and 2, i haven't been on my running routine. but as hard as it was, and as slow as i felt, i pushed my way through it. and to my surprise, i actually finished at the time i usually finish 53min.

so last night...i kept telling myself you have to get a 7.5 mile run in. i got home from work, ate a little bit for some calories/energy, changed, and was on my way to the lake. as i got closer to the lake it was getting darker and darker. i didn't really mind b/c i figured everyone runs the lake at this time, so it should be well lit right? WRONG!!!

it wasn't until after i started running that i realized that the lake has NOOOO LIGHTS! as i got further and further around it got darker and darker. there's even a section of the lake that is PITCH BLACK (right before the gun range and apartments). I could hear people coming closer but couldn't see them until they were about 2 feet in front of me. pretty freaky! so, i decided that 1 lap would be enough for the night.

but...all in was a good run. i knew i wasn't going to be able to get the extra 3 miles in, so in the last half i pushed myself extra hard. and maybe i pushed myself b/c i was lightweight afraid of what might jump out of the bushes and just wanted to be done lol! either way i shaved 3 minutes off my time and ended in 50 mins.

i hope to break the 50 min marker before the vegas marathon.