Monday, February 22, 2016

Concrete Runners Season 3

omg how the hell did we even get this far?!  scrolling through my blog i'm noticing a lotttt of things missing from last year.  i guess i'll have to catch those up later b/c right now i'm still on a high from last weekend.

on saturday, we celebrated our Season 3 kick off for the Concrete Runners.  as most of you already know, just just started off as a bunch of friends that started doing marathons/half marathons together, somewhat jokingly calling ourselves Running Divas.  we eventually evolved into Concrete Runners and are now on Season 3!  looking back at the evolution is so amazing and exciting.  i can't wait to see what's next.

i got there quite early with the rest of the OGs and set up crew, around 7am.  we set up the tables and organized ourselves for the event.  people steadily rolled in starting at about 730/45ish am.  we had people register as they came and we started off our event at about 830am.  we had our kick off speech by Janice (my sister) and Clarice from Muscle Milk said a few words too. Abel lead our stretches and we were off for our run.  as always we trailed off in pace groups so people could be with others that ran roughly around their pace.

our run was a 6 mile loop that included a run across the beautiful golden gate bridge.  it was a little cold but nothing unbearable, especially once we warmed up from our run.  the clouds were minimal so the sights were clear and gorgeous.

we had about 127+ people check in -- plenty of food, chit-chat and laughter filled the park.  i got to see folks from all 3 seasons, meet some of the new crew, and welcome those that aren't officially Concrete ...yet!  i'd say it was a pretty good event.  thank you to everyone that came out to support the event.  and special shout out to all our sponsors Perfect Bar, Icelandic, and Frozen Kuhsterd.  i can't wait to for another event with Season 3.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

01.21.16 Nike Epic Workout

Last Thursday, some of the Concrete Runners were invited to a Nike event in San Francisco called the Nike Epic Workout.  For the first time ever, Nike had both NTC (Nike Training Club) and NRC (Nike Run Club) in one room.

We met at NikeTown in downtown and were bussed to a secret location.  Little did we know, we were leaving San Francisco.  We arrived at a warehouse type location at the Craneway Pavillion in Richmond and were led up a set of stairs to a room.  In the room, there was a little introduction and a video release of an 8 week web series that Nike will be releasing to help motivate people to be/keep active.

Then, there was a big reveal of the room that we were able to workout in.  We entered and the Epic Workout began.  NTC and NRC worked out simultaneously and as one side took a break we cheered the other side on and vice versa.  Definitely an Epic event.

Below is my POV, via my snap chat.  I'll post the periscope posts soon.