Monday, October 5, 2009

Bridge to Bridge Run

Yesterday, I did the Bridge to Bridge Run in which all proceeds go to the Special Olympics in Northern California. All runners/walkers could chose from either 12k (7.5 miles) or a 7k (4.5 miles). I opted for the 12k, of course. My intentions were to use this as a training day for my Nike run in 2 weeks, which I did!

I also encouraged my cousin, Mae, who has been running with me for the past couple of months to do this run with me. She was hesitant to do the 12k but she stuck it out and finish strong with me.

As for the was a beautiful course. It starts off along the Embarcadero in front on the Ferry Building and goes along all piers, including Pier 39 and Aquatic Park, then it ventures up the steep hill that connects to the Marina, into the Marina and through Crissy Fields, under the Golden Gate Bridge and into the Presidio.

Thankfully my Ironman trainings were frequently in this area and I was rather familiar with the course's surroundings and I felt really comfortable. I even got to see some swimmers at Aquatic Park who are training for Ironman 2010, and saw Anthea, one of my coaches from Lavaman. I shouted a couple of "Go Teams!" to the few people that were wearing TNT swag. Once a TNTer always a TNTer!

The weather couldn't be better for a run either. I couldn't have asked for a better day. According to my watch to when I passed the start line it was 902am, so I finished in 1 hr 30 min, exactly what I was expecting/aiming for. Mae and I crossed the finish line together =)

Here's my clocked time, but I didn't cross the start until 9:02am so minus 2 min.

this is me approaching the finish line. my hair is all over the place! i thought it was a cool picture.

i don't like this picture very much, but the fact that i'm not touching the floor at all was uber cool to me. I'M IN THE AIR!

Here we are planning on crossing together! I'm all smiles, Mae is feeling the burn. lol She finished strong and that's all that matters.


DJ Dynamix said...

wow your my hero Mel!

Shawn said...

congratulations! I saw you out there - right about the time we passed all the TNT folks at the aquatic park. I heard your voice and found you in the crowd! But didn't get a chance to say hi. What a great day in SF :) Congratulations on your finish!

melopez28 said...

hi shawn! so good to hear from you. i'm sad i didn't get to see you and say hi. it was definitely a beautiful day sf. i actually thought i saw you in the nike marathon on sunday, and got closer to say hi..i was all excited...and it wasn't you. lol