saturday morning i got up bright and early to head over to newark. my little cousin was going to her very first prom. she asked me to do her hair and makeup..what? moi? you want me to do all that! wow!!! she was a little anxious and a little overly excited, she wanted me there at 9am! hahah! ok if that's what you want. but, it's ok b/c that gave us time to eat breakfast, do some makeup and hair, chill and chat for a little, snack some more, do more hair, snack some more, take pictures, play with our nephew...and i still had her done and ready to go long before her date was to arrive at the house.
here's how everything turned out. i must say i'm quite impressed with myself.
she asked for a low/side, messy but clean bun and she let me pick her makeup palette. when i first seen her dress, i knew which color i wanted to build around.

messing around with danny

i was feeling extremely lazy and would have been content with staying in and catching up on my dvr while cleaning my room, but it was my other cousin's bday and she was celebrating at my FAVORITE monthly party. so of course, i mustered up enough energy to get myself ready and headed out for the night. and i'm really glad i did. such a good night! but foundation never fails me and neither does the company i keep. i love my family!

sunday morning, i was awakened by a phone call from arlynn inviting me to napa for a wine tasting session at duck horn vineyards. i'd never been, so i was happy to get myself up from my dead sleep to venture over there and experience this. after that we traveled over to buchon's bakery and grabbed a couple of goodies. from all the macaroon's that i tried, i have to say the pistachio was my favorite. silly me i didn't even try "the buchon" their specialty. but gale described it as decadent. and then we ate at barber's q. totally yummy. and then we walked over to a cupcakery called sift. they were on cupcake wars. arlynn and deb picked up a couple of goodies from there too, i was too stuffed and felt guilty about my lack of workouts during the past week, so i resisted. such a great way to wind the weekend down. arlynn, thanks so much for the invite.
deb, me and arlynn in front of duck horn vineyards

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