I decided that I would run Bay 2 Breakers again this year for their 100th year anniversary. So when they sent me the email for early registration, I DID! And, for the first time EVER they gave out medals...SCORREEEE!!!
I participated in B2B for the first time 2 years ago. But, as a first timer, I wanted to experience it San Francisco style by doing, as I like to call it, the "drunken walk." It just so happened that B2B was during a heatwave. I didn't even finish the measly 7.46 miles. Hahaha!! Pretty funny considering, by that time I already had a couple of half marathons and triathlons under my belt.
This year, the weather forecast called for RAIN! It was predicted that we would have a pretty miserable run considering it was supposed to rain the whole day. And, as I fell asleep to the sound of rain, I thought they were right. But, the weather gods blessed us with the best weather anyone could have asked for. It wasn't too hot and it wasn't too cold. I took my jacket off around mile 2 and around mile 5 - 6 it started to sprinkle. But, it only sprinkled for a few minutes and by that time I welcomed the mild sprinkle. Totally refreshing.
My goal for this 12k was to beat 1:30, yes even with the dreaded Hayes Street Hill. And, I am proud to say that I ran the WHOLE 12K, ALL 7.46 miles, INCLUDING ALL OF HAYES! I don't know my official chip time yet, and I didn't get to use my running app, but as I crossed the finish line, I noticed that the clock read 1:28:??, so I must have beat my goal! Yeayyy!!!
Another notch on my belt and another medal to add to the collection!


Please stay tuned for a video of some of the costumes that I got to see. But please be patient..
you're freakin awesome lil sis!
thanks broham!
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