Monday, August 13, 2012

birchbox vs sample society

If you don't know what Birchbox or Sample Society are.  It's basically a monthly subscription of beauty samples.  Some ladies like magazines...I like samples! 

I've been a member of Birchbox for about a year now, and a couple of months ago, I was introduced to Sample Society.  And, since I'm now a member of each, I've gotten a lot of questions about which one is better?

To be honest with you, I like them both.  Sometimes you do get the same items, and sometimes you simply see the same brands.  Which, I think is pretty good.  That way you can try more than one item from that line and see more of what the line or brand is about.

Here are a couple of bullet points for you for each box:

Sample Society:
-$15 coupon with every box - but you must buy something from that box and you have to spend $15 to redeem it
-the booklet gives you helpful hints pertaining to the products inside, but not specifically for the product.  it's more like general information
-the website provides for detailed information specific to the product

-$10/month - but when I bought my subscription, I had the option to pay monthly for for the year.  I got a deal for purchasing for the year
-point system - you get points for every purchase, reviews on products, or referring friends.  100 points = $10 off  sometimes there are even double point specials
-the website provides more detailed information specific to the product - but Birchbox goes into more user friendly detail, like how the product is intended to be used and even other tips on how to use the product.  For instance, I was given a mud mask.  It told me how to apply and how long it should stay on my face, and how to wash it off.  But, there was also a tip that told me that I could use the mud mask as an overnight pimple spot treatment.  There are also videos about the products too.

Here is my video where I compare the July boxes from both Birchbox and Sample Society:

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