Wednesday, January 4, 2012

weird weight loss tips

i came across an article this morning about weird weight loss tips and ideas were pretty interesting.

1) Eat with your non-dominant hand. A study showed that we eat 30% less if we eat with our non-dominant hand

2) Look in the mirror while you eat. A study showed that when you watch yourself eat, consumption of high calorie meals dropped by a third. -- I guess we don't wanna watch ourselves eating the heart attack.

3) Immerse yourself in blue: blue table cloth, blue plates, maybe even paint the room blue. A study showed that the people ate 30% less. They think it's b/c the color blue is associated with toxic or moldy food. Whereas the colors red and yellow do the opposite. -- I can think of plenty of fast food restaurants that use these colors. Good marketing!

4) Smell an apple or a banana or peppermint. A study showed that you will eat less. They think that smelling the food makes your brain think that you ate it.

5) Instead of a food journal, take a picture. Keeping the photos and looking at them before you eat, may make you think twice about overindulging. -- I don't know if this would work for me. It might make me more hungry. I mean the term "food porn" is now a part of our everyday lives.

6) Eat in silence. They say that a noisy environment makes us eat faster, so our brain doesn't know when we are actually full.

7) Wear tight clothes to dinner. That way when we feel our clothes getting tighter, we know it's time to stop. -- So wearing those sweats to Thanksgiving b/c we knew we were gonna eat a lot, worked against us.

8) After a meal brush your teeth with minty toothpaste. The flavor of mint makes us think the meal is DONE! And mint doesn't mix well with a lot of food, so eating after your brush isn't so appetizing. And the feeling of fresh clean teeth is so enjoyable, that eating again, or grabbing those extra calories may not seem worth losing the freshness. -- SEEEEE, I'm not weird. I've seen this on a couple of articles now.

Here's the link to the actual article if you wanna read more:

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