on tuesdays, there's a core class i like to take. it focuses on working out your core, so your abs, back...basically the core of your body. but, i get off of work at 4pm and the class doesn't start until 530pm. what i usually do is stretch and get on the treadmill to kill time before class. well, if you've read my blogs you know that i absolutely HATE running on treadmills. it's just so monotonous. so usually my runs on the treadmill are grueling to get through.
yesterday, while going through a couple of articles on fitsugar, i found some interval trainings for the treadmill. interval trainings are actually really good to help you get faster, especially if you are looking to make a new personal record on your next event or just faster in general. and according to fitsugar, "Intervals increase your metabolism and help you lose belly fat." for me, the interval training actually made running on the treadmill much more pleasant than normal. i was so concentrated on when i needed to change pace that i wasn't bored out of my mind.
here's what i followed yesterday:

here's a 30 minute interval treadmill workout if you don't have that much time.

it's just that...your perceived exhaustion. but, let me break this down for you a little more. b/c if it's your first time hearing the term, it's kindda hard to grasp
0 would be like sleeping or sitting
1 - 2 would be like walking
3 - 4 jogging, you can still carry on a conversation
5 - 6 would be a fast paced jog, you can probably say a few phrases
7 - 8 would be running, you can only say a few words at a time
9 - 10 you are pushed to your limit, you can't say anything
hope that helps clear things up. and if you choose to follow the interval training you can totally use these for an outside run too. you'll just need a watch to let you know the time and follow the rpe instead of the mph, unless you have some type of device that tells you how fast you are running like a garmin or polar.
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