Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's only a workout if...

I always complain about not having a good workout or I rant and rave about how good the workout felt. So here are my signs of a good workout.

It's only a workout if one or more of the following happens:

(in no particular order)
-sweat is dripping down my face or better yet a constant stream
-I have to wipe the salt off my face/body when I'm done
-I'm sore for the next couple of days
-I'm cursing out the instructor or myself in my head
-I hit at least a 8 - 10 rpe (rate of perceived exhaustion <- for an explanation check back on "interval running on the treadmill")
-I'm breathing hard and making weird noises to get the set finished
-I'm saying motivational phrases to myself to get through

Feel free to add your signs of a good workout in the comment section.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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